

Concept design – Urban densification
London, United Kingdom
Coffey Architects – Aecom – topio
18 hectars

Urban resilience…

Working with aecom and coffey architects, we delivered a proposal for phase 2-4 of the redevelopment of Gascoigne Estate in Barking (London).

The masterplan scheme includes additional parcels to redevelop as well as a new community center. We propose a pedestrian route into the town centre with an alternating rhythm of running through public spaces and between blocks.

The green and blue route connect the whole masterplan together, while the other colours differentiate each area within the site boundary.

Overall, the masterplan balances the increased density with maintaining a domestic and residential character.

The urban fabric permeability improvement is ensured by a network of public spaces in dialogue with the building facades. In the west, taller blocks with podium parking boost the capacity of the site. These fade down to lower residential buildings to the east.

The landscape fabric links the overall development by offering a series of programmed nodes, bigger or smaller depending on the land use interaction.

« While our cities inevitably gets denser, we must provide them with or at least preserve open and flexible spaces. This allow our cities to breath and our communities to connect. »