Les Allées Gambetta


Concept up to planning application
Allee Gambetta, Clichy, France
Topio – Land’Act
16’000 m2
Delivered – On hold

An urban area offering nature and proximity to the communities

Working closely with Land’Act, we developped a linear urban garden, a friendly and sensitive space for poeple.

Located in Clichy, the design of the alleys takes in consideration the future underground parking which will, among other things, free the alleys of cars parked on the sides.

Our approach consists of restoring a generous central pedestrian alley (4m) distributing by secondary transverse links (2.5m wide), access to the underground car park and connections to the sidewalks.

This project makes it possible to unify all the outdoor facilities into a single garden that is both open and intimate, walkable and friendly. Shrubs and flower beds composing this linear garden will offer plenty spaces for relaxation, breathing, and appropriable area for users. Unlike the current brick walls fragmenting and dividing the place, this social realm will value exchange and brighten up with its colors and flexibility.


« The best answer must be simple, obvious and offer direct connections, the reste will come from people. »